Let me get this right. The big three car makers are in DC trying to get the government to give them $25B of taxpayer money to "bail" them out?
How did they get to Washington? Why, they flew on a private jet that cost $36million. How much did that flight cost, $20,000. How much would a first class airline ticket on Northwest cost them?
Are you kidding me?
And, I am having a hard time understanding why a person who works for the UAW makes more than my husband who is in law enforcement. My husband did not go into the line of work that he is in in order to get rich. But, should a person assembling a car be making more than a person who is putting their life on the line every day for the last 12 years?
You can't tell me that there isn't some way to rearrnge things in the auto industry to make it a better business model. How about selling off those $36 million jets. Ford reportedly have eight of them. Just the cost of them are $288 million. How much do they cost to keep up. Wouldn't it make more sense to utilize the airlines to do what they do to get people around?
I am just having a hard time understanding this. The CEOs of the Big Three are flying around in private jets begging the American people for $25billion. I drive my 2003 Chevy Suburban, I pay my car payments. I live within my budget. I think that the Big Three need to take a look at what they are spending their money and take a long look at what could and should be cut before they come looking for more of my hard earned money.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY, November 17, 2008
Outside my window...there is a slight breeze. It is a clear day, I can see the local mountains. Leaves are in the driveway. So are the newpapers that I forgot to get this morning.
I am thinking...that I wish my headache would go away. I am not getting anything done today.
I am thankful for...birthdays. They are always happy times.
From the learning rooms...nothing yet today. Like I said, I have a headache and I am having a hard time being motivated today.
From the kitchen...a batch of quick rise honey-wheat bread is cooking in the bread machine.
I am wearing...jeans and a print shirt. No shoes.
I am creating...lists of things that need to get done today.
I am going...to eat a light lunch and then go lay down to see if that will help my headache.
I am reading...Where Are You Now, by Mary Higgins Clark. I just finished Like Water for Chocolate. Watching the movie a couple of weekends ago made me want to read the book. The movie follows the book pretty closely, but I gained more insight into the movie after reading the book.
I am hoping...that my headache goes away soon. I think it might be time for more Excedrin.
I am hearing...A and G talk about the newspapers they are bringing in for me.
Around the house...I hear D playing the piano. She is getting Christmas songs ready.
One of my favorite things...my niece, Erin. She is so sweet.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Dance classes as always, a 60th birthday party for my sister-in-law's father at Lake Arrowhead, the Feast of Christ the King.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My son and godson/nephew playing Guitar Hero at my daughter's birthday party. A look into something that might be in their future? My brother can play seven musical instruments that I can think of. Our kids are musically inclined as well.
Friday, November 14, 2008
I just found out that the baby daughter of a friend of mine died on October 29th. I hadn't heard the news until last night. I felt so bad that I didn't know.
I do have to say that I see this friend at the dance studio where our daughters dance together. It was fun to see her belly get bigger and bigger as her pregnacy progressed. She really didn't get that big to tell you the truth. She had an easy delivery. Her baby, Nichole, was beautiful.
I just have this overwhelming feeling of sorrow for this family. I think it is because that three of our children are the same ages. Whatever the reason for the sorrow and the tears, I pray for the family every time Nichole comes to my thoughts. There is a reason that this has effected me so deeply. I am not sure why. Maybe it is because they need the prayers.
I do have to say that I see this friend at the dance studio where our daughters dance together. It was fun to see her belly get bigger and bigger as her pregnacy progressed. She really didn't get that big to tell you the truth. She had an easy delivery. Her baby, Nichole, was beautiful.
I just have this overwhelming feeling of sorrow for this family. I think it is because that three of our children are the same ages. Whatever the reason for the sorrow and the tears, I pray for the family every time Nichole comes to my thoughts. There is a reason that this has effected me so deeply. I am not sure why. Maybe it is because they need the prayers.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
FOCA will kill some of the "support network."
Some of my family and friends were talking about the Freedom of Choice Act and how this will effect Catholic Healthcare, before the election. A family member of mine talked about how important it is to have support networks so that women who find themselves pregnant have a place to go, instead of having an abortion.
I pointed out that the Catholic Church has just such things in place and has had them there for years (if not for centuries).
This was taken from http://www.usccb.org/comm/statisti.shtml
Catholic Health Care9
Hospitals: 557 Catholic hospitals treated 83,795,186 patients
Other Health Care Centers: 417 centers treated 7,271,716 patients
Specialized Homes: 1,538 assisted 756,902 residents
Residential Care of Children: 163 locations assisted 30,106 residents
These numbers were for 2007.
FOCA will force the hand of healthcare providers and will require them to perform abortions. It doesn't matter what your religious viewpoint is.
You know, Catholic hospitals and other Catholic providers don't care what religion you are. They care that there is access to healthcare. Because they are not-for-profit agencies they can offer ways to pay or not to pay.
If Catholic hospitals do close because of FOCA, where are those 83,795,186 patients going to go?
What is going to happen to the clinics that offer immunization shots for children and adults who don't have a means to pay? What is going to happen to other "support networks" that seem to be so vital to Obama? His signing of FOCA is going to put in jeopardy a huge provider of healthcare and support services that he is calling on to come forward to help people. Not to mention all the people that he is going to put out of work.
I pointed out that the Catholic Church has just such things in place and has had them there for years (if not for centuries).
This was taken from http://www.usccb.org/comm/statisti.shtml
Catholic Health Care9
Hospitals: 557 Catholic hospitals treated 83,795,186 patients
Other Health Care Centers: 417 centers treated 7,271,716 patients
Specialized Homes: 1,538 assisted 756,902 residents
Residential Care of Children: 163 locations assisted 30,106 residents
These numbers were for 2007.
FOCA will force the hand of healthcare providers and will require them to perform abortions. It doesn't matter what your religious viewpoint is.
You know, Catholic hospitals and other Catholic providers don't care what religion you are. They care that there is access to healthcare. Because they are not-for-profit agencies they can offer ways to pay or not to pay.
If Catholic hospitals do close because of FOCA, where are those 83,795,186 patients going to go?
What is going to happen to the clinics that offer immunization shots for children and adults who don't have a means to pay? What is going to happen to other "support networks" that seem to be so vital to Obama? His signing of FOCA is going to put in jeopardy a huge provider of healthcare and support services that he is calling on to come forward to help people. Not to mention all the people that he is going to put out of work.
The Simple Woman
For Today November 12, 2008
(I am a couple of days late)
Outside my window...It is overcast. The sun is just peeking through the clouds and is making things bright. It is really a contrast to the mountains in the distance that are still dark under the clouds.
I am thinking...I like my new morning walking routine with Abbie, our German Shepherd.
I am thankful for...the gift of health.
From the learning rooms...Things are going smoothly. Today, that is great.
From the kitchen...there is a batch of bread going in the machine.
I am wearing...a white t-shirt, jeans and USC flip-flops
I am creating...a wish list of travel trailers we would like to purchase from (used of course).
I am going...to Mom's Night Out tonight.
I am reading...Clled Out of Darkness a spiritual confession by Anne Rice. This is absolutely an amazing story. I do happen to be Catholic, as Anne Rice is, but you do not need to be Catholic to appreciate the loss of her faith, her years of being an atheist and how she came back. Her reflections on her writings while she was an atheist are interesting to read.
I am hoping...T can come on our Thanksgiving holiday with us.
I am hearing...kids enjoying their cereal
Around the house...things are spit spot and ready for the school day.
One of my favorite things...My BeautiControl neckwrap when it is warm and around my neck.
A few plans for the rest of the week:MNO, dance classes for the kids, tap class for me, one last chiropractic appointment before I am released from the accident therapy, J's 15th birthday and horseback riding for her on Saturday, church on Sunday.
Here is picture thought I am sharing

This is my little guy. He loves Batman. Now that I have this here, I am thinking that I might have posted this before. LOL. Anyways, seeing this photo always brings a smile to my face.
If you enjoyed the Simple Woman thoughts, check out this site. This is where it all began.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Countdown to Halloween
I was thinking that I had a little more time to get costumes ready. But the girls have Halloween parties in the dance classes this week.
I just finished putting the finishing touches on Allegra's polka costume. Her class is this evening.
I have everything I need to turn Deanna into Padme from Star Wars 2. She has class tomorrow.
I just need to make a tulle skirt to finish up Nina's Sleeping Beauty costume. This one is going to take me the longest. I hate gathering tulle. But, it will be done in time for her class tomorrow.
Gabe is going to be Batman and he is so cute in his costume.
They are all looking forward to carving pumpkins tomorrow. We are going Trunk n Treating at the church on Friday. We have done this ever since we have lived on the High Desert. The little ones want to go house to house, but it is just safe and convinient to be at the church for it. Plus they get to see their friends and so do Steve and I.
I just finished putting the finishing touches on Allegra's polka costume. Her class is this evening.
I have everything I need to turn Deanna into Padme from Star Wars 2. She has class tomorrow.
I just need to make a tulle skirt to finish up Nina's Sleeping Beauty costume. This one is going to take me the longest. I hate gathering tulle. But, it will be done in time for her class tomorrow.
Gabe is going to be Batman and he is so cute in his costume.
They are all looking forward to carving pumpkins tomorrow. We are going Trunk n Treating at the church on Friday. We have done this ever since we have lived on the High Desert. The little ones want to go house to house, but it is just safe and convinient to be at the church for it. Plus they get to see their friends and so do Steve and I.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Just a few thoughts from Alexis de Tocqueville
from "Democracy in America"
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.
The health of a democratic society may be measured in the quality of functions performed by private citizens.
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common by one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
from "Democracy in America"
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.
The health of a democratic society may be measured in the quality of functions performed by private citizens.
Democracy and socialism have nothing in common by one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.
Simple Woman for 10/27/08

For today, October 27, 2008
Outside My Window...my sycamore tree is changing colors and dropping leaves. Beyond that I can see the trees in the riverbed changing colors.
I am thinking...that I can't believe tomorrow is the first anniversary of my father's death.
I am thankful for...the gift of my father. He taught me many things. The best gifts he gave me were his marriage to my mom, the love that he gave to me, the faith that he nurtured in me, and his believing in me.
From the learning rooms...the books are opening. We are having afternoon school today. I had to clean the studio and then had a chiropractic appointment. I am still having treatment for the injury in the hit and run accident that I was in a couple of weeks ago.
From the kitchen...things are quiet and clean.
I am wearing...a chocolate colored shirt with 3/4 sleeves and jeans. Bare feet as always.
I am creating...a list of things I need to get done for the week.
I am going...to pick up the cones and barriers I need for the trunk n treat at the All Hallows Eve celebration at the church on Friday.
I am reading...Rashi's Daughters: Book 1 Johoved
I am hoping...that Steve doesn't take too long in coming home from his parents. I miss my boys.
I am hearing...Neil Cavuto on the tv.
Around the house...some things need to be straightened up.
One of my favorite things...my dad's laughter.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: dance classes for the girls, piano class for Deanna, finish costumes, make cocoa krispie treats, make cupcakes for the cake walk, get together with my family to celebrate dad's life.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...This is a photo of my parents in Aiea Hawaii on June 24, 2006, the night before their 40th anniversary. At the time there were 17 of us in my family and all of us were in Hawaii to celebrate. It was a great time. Since then there have been two more grandchildren. One of them my dad had the chance to meet. One of them is the first grandchild who will not know my dad.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
We cannot find God in noise or agitation. Nature: trees , flowers and grass grow in silence. The stars, the moon and the sun move in silence. What is essential is not what we say but what God tells us and what He tells others through us. In silence He listens to us, In silence He speaks to our souls. Take some time out to be silent with Him.
~Mother Teresa~
I think that I need more silence in my life. I am going to fast from the news about the presidential race this weekend.
I am going to enjoy the leaves changing color in silence. I am going to enjoy watching my swimming pool ripple in silence. I am going to enjoy my children as they lay asleep tonight and say a special prayer over each of them.
~Mother Teresa~
I think that I need more silence in my life. I am going to fast from the news about the presidential race this weekend.
I am going to enjoy the leaves changing color in silence. I am going to enjoy watching my swimming pool ripple in silence. I am going to enjoy my children as they lay asleep tonight and say a special prayer over each of them.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
An arguement for marriage from a liberal Democrat
It isn't just the conservatives of the country who think that marriage should be one man, one woman.
Protecting Marriage to Protect Children
Marriage as a human institution is constantly evolving. But in all societies, marriage shapes the rights and obligations of parenthood.
By David Blankenhorn September 19, 2008
I'm a liberal Democrat. And I do not favor same-sex marriage. Do those positions sound contradictory? To me, they fit together.Many seem to believe that marriage is simply a private love relationship between two people. They accept this view, in part, because Americans have increasingly emphasized and come to value the intimate, emotional side of marriage, and in part because almost all opinion leaders today, from journalists to judges, strongly embrace this position. That's certainly the idea that underpinned the California Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage.
But I spent a year studying the history and anthropology of marriage, and I've come to a different conclusion.Marriage as a human institution is constantly evolving, and many of its features vary across groups and cultures. But there is one constant. In all societies, marriage shapes the rights and obligations of parenthood. Among us humans, the scholars report, marriage is not primarily a license to have sex. Nor is it primarily a license to receive benefits or social recognition. It is primarily a license to have children. In this sense, marriage is a gift that society bestows on its next generation. Marriage (and only marriage) unites the three core dimensions of parenthood -- biological, social and legal -- into one pro-child form: the married couple. Marriage says to a child: The man and the woman whose sexual union made you will also be there to love and raise you. Marriage says to society as a whole: For every child born, there is a recognized mother and a father, accountable to the child and to each other.
These days, because of the gay marriage debate, one can be sent to bed without supper for saying such things. But until very recently, almost no one denied this core fact about marriage. Summing up the cross-cultural evidence, the anthropologist Helen Fisher in 1992 put it simply: "People wed primarily to reproduce." The philosopher and Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell, certainly no friend of conventional sexual morality, was only repeating the obvious a few decades earlier when he concluded that "it is through children alone that sexual relations become important to society, and worthy to be taken cognizance of by a legal institution."Marriage is society's most pro-child institution. In 2002 -- just moments before it became highly unfashionable to say so -- a team of researchers from Child Trends, a nonpartisan research center, reported that "family structure clearly matters for children, and the family structure that helps children the most is a family headed by two biological parents in a low-conflict marriage." All our scholarly instruments seem to agree: For healthy development, what a child needs more than anything else is the mother and father who together made the child, who love the child and love each other. For these reasons, children have the right, insofar as society can make it possible, to know and to be cared for by the two parents who brought them into this world. The foundational human rights document in the world today regarding children, the 1989 U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, specifically guarantees children this right. The last time I checked, liberals like me were supposed to be in favor of internationally recognized human rights, particularly concerning children, who are typically society's most voiceless and vulnerable group. Or have I now said something I shouldn't? Every child being raised by gay or lesbian couples will be denied his birthright to both parents who made him. Every single one. Moreover, losing that right will not be a consequence of something that at least most of us view as tragic, such as a marriage that didn't last, or an unexpected pregnancy where the father-to-be has no intention of sticking around. On the contrary, in the case of same-sex marriage and the children of those unions, it will be explained to everyone, including the children, that something wonderful has happened! For me, what we are encouraged or permitted to say, or not say, to one another about what our society owes its children is crucially important in the debate over initiatives like California's Proposition 8, which would reinstate marriage's customary man-woman form. Do you think that every child deserves his mother and father, with adoption available for those children whose natural parents cannot care for them? Do you suspect that fathers and mothers are different from one another? Do you imagine that biological ties matter to children? How many parents per child is best? Do you think that "two" is a better answer than one, three, four or whatever? If you do, be careful. In making the case for same-sex marriage, more than a few grown-ups will be quite willing to question your integrity and goodwill. Children, of course, are rarely consulted.The liberal philosopher Isaiah Berlin famously argued that, in many cases, the real conflict we face is not good versus bad but good versus good. Reducing homophobia is good. Protecting the birthright of the child is good. How should we reason together as a society when these two good things conflict? Here is my reasoning. I reject homophobia and believe in the equal dignity of gay and lesbian love. Because I also believe with all my heart in the right of the child to the mother and father who made her, I believe that we as a society should seek to maintain and to strengthen the only human institution -- marriage -- that is specifically intended to safeguard that right and make it real for our children. Legalized same-sex marriage almost certainly benefits those same-sex couples who choose to marry, as well as the children being raised in those homes. But changing the meaning of marriage to accommodate homosexual orientation further and perhaps definitively undermines for all of us the very thing -- the gift, the birthright -- that is marriage's most distinctive contribution to human society. That's a change that, in the final analysis, I cannot support. David Blankenhorn is president of the New York-based Institute for American Values and the author of "The Future of Marriage."
Protecting Marriage to Protect Children
Marriage as a human institution is constantly evolving. But in all societies, marriage shapes the rights and obligations of parenthood.
By David Blankenhorn September 19, 2008
I'm a liberal Democrat. And I do not favor same-sex marriage. Do those positions sound contradictory? To me, they fit together.Many seem to believe that marriage is simply a private love relationship between two people. They accept this view, in part, because Americans have increasingly emphasized and come to value the intimate, emotional side of marriage, and in part because almost all opinion leaders today, from journalists to judges, strongly embrace this position. That's certainly the idea that underpinned the California Supreme Court's legalization of same-sex marriage.
But I spent a year studying the history and anthropology of marriage, and I've come to a different conclusion.Marriage as a human institution is constantly evolving, and many of its features vary across groups and cultures. But there is one constant. In all societies, marriage shapes the rights and obligations of parenthood. Among us humans, the scholars report, marriage is not primarily a license to have sex. Nor is it primarily a license to receive benefits or social recognition. It is primarily a license to have children. In this sense, marriage is a gift that society bestows on its next generation. Marriage (and only marriage) unites the three core dimensions of parenthood -- biological, social and legal -- into one pro-child form: the married couple. Marriage says to a child: The man and the woman whose sexual union made you will also be there to love and raise you. Marriage says to society as a whole: For every child born, there is a recognized mother and a father, accountable to the child and to each other.
These days, because of the gay marriage debate, one can be sent to bed without supper for saying such things. But until very recently, almost no one denied this core fact about marriage. Summing up the cross-cultural evidence, the anthropologist Helen Fisher in 1992 put it simply: "People wed primarily to reproduce." The philosopher and Nobel laureate Bertrand Russell, certainly no friend of conventional sexual morality, was only repeating the obvious a few decades earlier when he concluded that "it is through children alone that sexual relations become important to society, and worthy to be taken cognizance of by a legal institution."Marriage is society's most pro-child institution. In 2002 -- just moments before it became highly unfashionable to say so -- a team of researchers from Child Trends, a nonpartisan research center, reported that "family structure clearly matters for children, and the family structure that helps children the most is a family headed by two biological parents in a low-conflict marriage." All our scholarly instruments seem to agree: For healthy development, what a child needs more than anything else is the mother and father who together made the child, who love the child and love each other. For these reasons, children have the right, insofar as society can make it possible, to know and to be cared for by the two parents who brought them into this world. The foundational human rights document in the world today regarding children, the 1989 U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, specifically guarantees children this right. The last time I checked, liberals like me were supposed to be in favor of internationally recognized human rights, particularly concerning children, who are typically society's most voiceless and vulnerable group. Or have I now said something I shouldn't? Every child being raised by gay or lesbian couples will be denied his birthright to both parents who made him. Every single one. Moreover, losing that right will not be a consequence of something that at least most of us view as tragic, such as a marriage that didn't last, or an unexpected pregnancy where the father-to-be has no intention of sticking around. On the contrary, in the case of same-sex marriage and the children of those unions, it will be explained to everyone, including the children, that something wonderful has happened! For me, what we are encouraged or permitted to say, or not say, to one another about what our society owes its children is crucially important in the debate over initiatives like California's Proposition 8, which would reinstate marriage's customary man-woman form. Do you think that every child deserves his mother and father, with adoption available for those children whose natural parents cannot care for them? Do you suspect that fathers and mothers are different from one another? Do you imagine that biological ties matter to children? How many parents per child is best? Do you think that "two" is a better answer than one, three, four or whatever? If you do, be careful. In making the case for same-sex marriage, more than a few grown-ups will be quite willing to question your integrity and goodwill. Children, of course, are rarely consulted.The liberal philosopher Isaiah Berlin famously argued that, in many cases, the real conflict we face is not good versus bad but good versus good. Reducing homophobia is good. Protecting the birthright of the child is good. How should we reason together as a society when these two good things conflict? Here is my reasoning. I reject homophobia and believe in the equal dignity of gay and lesbian love. Because I also believe with all my heart in the right of the child to the mother and father who made her, I believe that we as a society should seek to maintain and to strengthen the only human institution -- marriage -- that is specifically intended to safeguard that right and make it real for our children. Legalized same-sex marriage almost certainly benefits those same-sex couples who choose to marry, as well as the children being raised in those homes. But changing the meaning of marriage to accommodate homosexual orientation further and perhaps definitively undermines for all of us the very thing -- the gift, the birthright -- that is marriage's most distinctive contribution to human society. That's a change that, in the final analysis, I cannot support. David Blankenhorn is president of the New York-based Institute for American Values and the author of "The Future of Marriage."
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Car Accident
I was the victim of a hit and run on Wednesday night. I have to say that it was Ted Nugent's fault.
I had heard that his book "Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto," was out, so I thought that I would stop at Costco on the way to Mom's Night Out and pick it up. I was so close to Costco! I was going through the last intersection before the turn into Costco, and a car that was intending to make a left turn decided that it was going to test the laws of physics.
I didn't realize that this guy wasn't going to not turn until it was too late for brakes. He (but I don't know for sure that it was a he) hit me where the front driver door and the back door seam. Since he didn't stop, he also got the back fender, bumper and the framing around the bottom of the doors is phlanged out.
I put the car in park, getting ready to get out and exchange info, but I turned and didn't see anyone, until I looked back over my right side and saw the car going slowly in the direction that he had turned.
But, a police car just happened to pull up to the intersection just then. By this time I was on the phone with 911. I got the officer's attention, he pulled over to me, I told him what happened, and he went to go try to find the car. No luck. Some how the car managed to get away.
My only consolation is that, if the guy was drunk like I think he was, he woke up the next morning and couldn't figure out what the heck had happened to his car.
I am pretty sore. My doc said that the worst will probably be this weekend. I will keep up with the ibuprofen, hot baths and ice packs.
Oh, and the Grand Am is going to be ok. Thank goodness the estimate came in lower than what the car is worth. We had just finished paying it off at the beginning of the year. I would have hated to have to get another car payment.
I haven't cussed a blue streak like that in ages. I am so glad that no one was in the car with me.
I had heard that his book "Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto," was out, so I thought that I would stop at Costco on the way to Mom's Night Out and pick it up. I was so close to Costco! I was going through the last intersection before the turn into Costco, and a car that was intending to make a left turn decided that it was going to test the laws of physics.
I didn't realize that this guy wasn't going to not turn until it was too late for brakes. He (but I don't know for sure that it was a he) hit me where the front driver door and the back door seam. Since he didn't stop, he also got the back fender, bumper and the framing around the bottom of the doors is phlanged out.
I put the car in park, getting ready to get out and exchange info, but I turned and didn't see anyone, until I looked back over my right side and saw the car going slowly in the direction that he had turned.
But, a police car just happened to pull up to the intersection just then. By this time I was on the phone with 911. I got the officer's attention, he pulled over to me, I told him what happened, and he went to go try to find the car. No luck. Some how the car managed to get away.
My only consolation is that, if the guy was drunk like I think he was, he woke up the next morning and couldn't figure out what the heck had happened to his car.
I am pretty sore. My doc said that the worst will probably be this weekend. I will keep up with the ibuprofen, hot baths and ice packs.
Oh, and the Grand Am is going to be ok. Thank goodness the estimate came in lower than what the car is worth. We had just finished paying it off at the beginning of the year. I would have hated to have to get another car payment.
I haven't cussed a blue streak like that in ages. I am so glad that no one was in the car with me.
Milk and Honey Toast
This is French Toast, Alton Brown style. I just made it this morning and it was so yummy, I could have eaten it without the syrup. But, it needed something on top. My challah bread was pretty big, so I needed a double recipe. And, if your bread is still not completely dry, you are not going to need to soak the bread in the custard mixture for as long as 30 seconds per side.
French Toast
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 24 minutes
Serves: 4
1c half/half
3 lg eggs
2 tbs honey, warmed in microwave for 20 seconds
1/4 tsp salt
8 1/2 inch slices day old country loaf or challah bread
4 tbs butter
In medium size mixing bowl, whisk together the half-and-half, eggs, honey, and salt. You may do this the night before. When ready to cook, pour custard mixture into a pie pan and set aside
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Dip bread into mixture, allow to soak for 30 seconds on each side, and then remove to a cooling rack that is sitting in a sheet pan and allow to sit for 1-2 minutes.
Over medium-low heat, melt 1 tbs butter in a 10-inch nonstick saute pan. Place 2 slices of bread at a tie into the pan and cook until golden brown, approximately 2-3 minutes per side. Remove from pan and place on rack in oven for 5 minutes. Repeat with all 8 slices. Serve immediately with maple syrup, whipped cream or fruit.
French Toast
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 24 minutes
Serves: 4
1c half/half
3 lg eggs
2 tbs honey, warmed in microwave for 20 seconds
1/4 tsp salt
8 1/2 inch slices day old country loaf or challah bread
4 tbs butter
In medium size mixing bowl, whisk together the half-and-half, eggs, honey, and salt. You may do this the night before. When ready to cook, pour custard mixture into a pie pan and set aside
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Dip bread into mixture, allow to soak for 30 seconds on each side, and then remove to a cooling rack that is sitting in a sheet pan and allow to sit for 1-2 minutes.
Over medium-low heat, melt 1 tbs butter in a 10-inch nonstick saute pan. Place 2 slices of bread at a tie into the pan and cook until golden brown, approximately 2-3 minutes per side. Remove from pan and place on rack in oven for 5 minutes. Repeat with all 8 slices. Serve immediately with maple syrup, whipped cream or fruit.
Monday, September 15, 2008

FOR TODAY September 15, 2008
Outside My Window...my husband and the four youngest are enjoying the pool on a hot September afternoon.
I am thinking...I am so glad that dress rehersal week and recital weekend are done.
I am thankful for...my oldest daughter. She is beautiful to watch while she is on pointe.
From the kitchen...chicken is marinating for dinner.
I am wearing...a pink t-shirt, dark denim capris, and a silver watch with a light pink face.
I am creating...new dance scrapbooks for each of the girls.
I am going...to my new niece's baptism on Saturday
I am reading...something by Nora Roberts. I don't remember the name.
I am hoping...that the rest of the week is calm after the hectic week last week.
I am hearing...squeels of laughter from the pool.
Around the house...all is quiet. I am the only one inside
One of my favorite things...girls in beautiful dance costumes.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:taking it easy with school; taking the girls to their end of year dance parties; going to my niece's baptism; finding a new bank.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...I didn't get a chance to take pictures this weekend. I was so busy watching and then volunteering at the shows, that I just didn't have the opportunity. What kind of mom is that? LOL Imagine five daughters in lovely ballet costumes.
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 25, 2008
Outside My Window...I can see a big thunderstorm heading our way. Monsoon on the desert. My oldest is outside standing in the wind. I can't see the foothills because it is raining so hard.
I am thinking...that I am going to have some freaked out kids if the thunder gets any louder. I don't think the "God is bowling with the angels" line is going to work for too much longer.
I am thankful for...onsoon thunderstorms.
From the kitchen...all is dark. We are going to have left overs.
I am wearing...a dark blue skirt, and a t-shirt. Perfect for a stormy, muggy, hot day.
I am creating... a new file box for my office. There is enough room for the bills that need to be paid and to have homeschool paperwork be filed in it.
I am going...to turn off the computer in just a minute. The storm is really amping up.
I am reading...Atonement. I am having a hard time getting into this book. I got about 75 pages in, and I have gone back to the beginning to start over. I am now 50 pages into it. I hope that I don't have to keep doing this.
I am hoping...We get a lot of rain today. That would be awesome.
I am hearing...the younger kids chatting about the storm.
Around the house...kids are getting blankets for "safety." There is a storm coming, you know. :)
One of my favorite things...My new niece. She is a beautiful little girl.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:Just a normal week of homeschool and dance. I am going to a 4-H club meeting for the first time. Jessica wants to get a sheep. Currently, there aren't any sheep leaders, so I guess that I will be taking on that responsibility.
Here is picture thought I am sharing: We have two types of lizzards around here, aligator lizzards and blue belly lizzards. My husband is a lizzard whisperer. This one is sound asleep.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY August 18, 2008
Outside My Window...I can see the trash cans that the two oldest girls haven't gotten around to bringing in.
I am thinking...that next year, I am going to start school after the August birthdays. We had a birthday on Aug. 7 and one on Aug 15. It is just too much to try and do school and try to keep up with the planning of parties.
I am thankful for...my new niece, Erin Sophia
From the kitchen...I haven't started, but I have the makings of Mexican rice sitting out so I can get that going while I take D to piano lessons.
I am wearing...my denim capris, a pretty summer shirt and bare feet.
I am creating...
I am going...to visit my new niece and her family sometime this week. I already had the opportunity to visit her in the hospital when she wasn't even 24 hours old. I am going to make some dinners for her family to freeze.
I am reading...A Mother's Rule for Life
I am hoping...That I can make my errands run smoothly this afternoon. I am trying to figure out which route to take that will involve the least amount of backtracking. Unfortunately, I am still going to have to do that.
I am hearing...the kids who are done with school playing on the Game Cube.
Around the house...it is time to straighten things up. I need to get back in the swing of things. I need to make sure that we are doing the afternoon clean up.
One of my favorite things...the color purple. Have I mentioned that?
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:Recital photos are next weekend. I need to steam costumes for the girls. I need to stop by the church and pick up tickest for the baseball game/concert going on Friday. I need to start on the laundry again.
Here is picture thought I am sharing
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY August 11, 2008
Outside My Window... I am looking for my husband's car. He should be home any minute.
I am thinking... how different families are and the different dynamics that you have to get used to. And, how do you reconcile the differences in those styles?
I am thankful for... the love of my husband.
From the kitchen... the microwave timer is telling me that it is done defrosting my chicken for dinner.
I am wearing... a cool summer top, demin skirt and bare feet. No make up today.
I am creating... a new prayer journal.
I am going... to visit Staples tonight. They are having a great sale. I figured I would stock up the homeschool stockpile for a reasonable price.
I am reading... Laced by Carol Higgins Clark
I am hoping... that I can mend a strained relationship.
I am hearing... one daughter playing ATV4 on the PlayStation. I can hear the younger ones singing in their rooms.
Around the house... things are getting straightened up in the afternoon pick up time.
One of my favorite things... the color purple. Royal purple.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: My five year old is having her ears pierced tomorrow. A friend of my almost 7 year old is coming to play for the day. My almost 7 year old will be 7 on Friday. Oh, and how could I forget, Mom's Night Out on Wednesday night. I might forgo the MNO this month to stay in and enjoy the Olympics though. I will have to see what is being aired that night.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...This was the night before my 40th birthday. I was at my Mom's house. We had just come from the cemetary from placing my dad's ashes in the vault in the chapel there. After we went out to celebrate Dad and my birthday. Three of my daughters are in the photo, my little guy is next to me. My nephew/godson is in the foreground of the photo. My brother is snoozing next to me and his wife is wearing the purple sweater (they are the parents of my nephew. Somehow when I thought of my dad being dead, I thought I would be older than 39. It was a very happy/sad night. It also happened to be the day after Thanksgiving.
Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4, 2008
Outside My Window...There are thunderclouds. The monsoons are starting. So far, we have only had one thunderstorm and I wasn't even home for it.
I am thinking...that it is nice to be starting homeschooling again. I have a normal schedule again.
Although, I have doubled the number of children who are homeschooling this year. We
brought our second daughter home so she can finish high school and daughter number five is
starting kindergarten. So, I have a 10th, 3rd and 2nd grader and one in kindergarten.
I am thankful for...The National Catholic Family Conference. There were awesome speakers and
we had the chance to spend time with good friends.
From the kitchen...it is dark right now. I am going to make some chicken chimichungas for
I am wearing...a chocolate brown t-shirt and a flowy white handkercheif style skirt. No shoes.
I am creating...a weekly schedule this week
I am going...actually, no where this week. I guess, that isn't true. I have a plan to go to the farmer's market on Thursday.
I am reading...today I am reading a People Magazine that a friend left behind.
I am hoping...that my small headache goes away and doesn't turn into anything worse.
I am hearing...pages turning, one daughter trying to pound ants, and our oldest playing with the
younger children.
Around the house...a little messy, but nothing that can't be cleaned up.
One of my favorite things...birthdays. My little guy turns three on Thursday.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:Farmer's Market on Thursday. Maybe Mass a couple of times this week. Birthday cake on Thursday. Birthday party on Saturday.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...This is a photo of my husband and daughters Deanna and Allegra at a beach in Lahina, Maui. We were watching our two oldest surf. In the distance you can see the island of Lanai. This was two summers ago. The trip brings back great memories of my parents 40th anniversary, which is why we were in Maui, and my 18th anniversary.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY July 28, 2008
Outside My Window...I am looking out my front window and admiring the trees along the riverbed. I can also see part of the desert with the mountains in the backgroud.
I am thinking...It is nice to have all my children home. One was in Australia for two weeks. Two were at camp last week.
I am thankful for...my husband's health. You will see why when you see the photo I am sharing.
From the kitchen...not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse.
I am wearing...a sassy red top, denim capris, and bling flip flops.
I am creating...a list of things that need to be done before my college roommate arrives with her children tomorrow.
I am going...for a swim and a walk tonight. Maybe the walk first and then the swim.
I am reading...I am playing catch up with magazines this week.
I am hoping...that the homeschool year goes smoothly this year.
I am hearing...my daughter Jessica tapping (tap dancing that is, with her bear feet).
Around the house...Things are quiet. It is quiet time. Three are quietly watching a cartoon, two are sleeping (my youngest is two, my oldest just went from winter to summer and her body is not liking it), one is tapping, and I just heard a train go by.
One of my favorite things...having lunch with my mom. I got to do that today.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Missy and her daughters arrive tomorrow. We are planning to hang out around the pool. A couple of the kids have dance rehersal during the day. Farmer's Market is Thursday. The National Catholic Family Conference is this weekend. We are really looking forward to going to that as a family.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...My husband was a passenger in this car. He was injured the worst. He endured three back surgeries in three years. He is finally back to work, Praise God!

Saturday, July 26, 2008
She is home!
Ok, not quite. She has landed safely at LAX. She said that Saturday, July 26, 2008 is a day she is going to remember for a long time. She saw the sun come up twice today. Once in Sydney and once over the Pacific Ocean.
She also arrived before she left. Her flight left Sydney at 1:25pm. She landed at LAX at 1pm.
I am so glad that she is home. I can't wait to hear about her experiences at World Youth Day and at the sightseeing that she was able to do.
Praise God that she was able to make the pilgrimage and that she returned home safely.
She also arrived before she left. Her flight left Sydney at 1:25pm. She landed at LAX at 1pm.
I am so glad that she is home. I can't wait to hear about her experiences at World Youth Day and at the sightseeing that she was able to do.
Praise God that she was able to make the pilgrimage and that she returned home safely.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Last day of my vacation
Today is the last day of my vacation.
We went on vacation July 10-16. It wasn't a vacation for me. When you are in a hotel, it seems like keeping track of everything for everyone gets that much harder. I am not sure why. You are in a more confined space. Then, moving on to Grandma and Grandpa's house, you have the same thing as with a hotel, but there are different rules that our family is not used to.
So, Jessica and Deanna left for camp on July 20th. Theresa is still in Australia having been to World Youth Day. There are three children left at home. We have been having a very relaxed week. We have gone swimming, cleaned out the girls' closet, taken evening walks, and went to a Rosary BBQ for fellowship and prayer, and some bouncing (in the bounce house).
The dance studio is closed this week for a dance convention.
Today all that is on my list of things to do, besides cooking, is laundry. I think that we will take a swim later in the afternoon and then after dinner, it will be time for another walk.
Theresa's plane arrives tomorrow afternoon. I have no idea how long going through customs will take. I don't expect her until dinnertime. Then Sunday morning we go to pick up Jessica and Deanna.
I am enjoying the quiet and my vacation. By Sunday everyone will be home and the house will be full and noisy again.
We went on vacation July 10-16. It wasn't a vacation for me. When you are in a hotel, it seems like keeping track of everything for everyone gets that much harder. I am not sure why. You are in a more confined space. Then, moving on to Grandma and Grandpa's house, you have the same thing as with a hotel, but there are different rules that our family is not used to.
So, Jessica and Deanna left for camp on July 20th. Theresa is still in Australia having been to World Youth Day. There are three children left at home. We have been having a very relaxed week. We have gone swimming, cleaned out the girls' closet, taken evening walks, and went to a Rosary BBQ for fellowship and prayer, and some bouncing (in the bounce house).
The dance studio is closed this week for a dance convention.
Today all that is on my list of things to do, besides cooking, is laundry. I think that we will take a swim later in the afternoon and then after dinner, it will be time for another walk.
Theresa's plane arrives tomorrow afternoon. I have no idea how long going through customs will take. I don't expect her until dinnertime. Then Sunday morning we go to pick up Jessica and Deanna.
I am enjoying the quiet and my vacation. By Sunday everyone will be home and the house will be full and noisy again.
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Simple Woman 7/21/08
Outside My Window...I just watched the garbage man pick up the garbage with my little guy. He was a little concerned when the recycle cans weren't picked up. I told him that a different guy would come around and get those.
I am thinking...of the things that I want to accomplish this week, there are quite a few.
I am thankful for...The Society Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Daughters #2 and 3 are up at camp this week. It is the same girls camp that I went to as a young girl and teenager.
From the kitchen...I have hard boiled eggs cooking.
I am wearing...still in my jammies. :)
I am creating...still working on my home journal.
I am going...nowhere this week. It is wonderful to think about. We were on vacation for two weeks and then we took two daughters to camp yesterday. The dance studio is closed for the week, so no one has to be anywhere. We are just going to enjoy being at home this week. I will make a run to the farmers market on Thursday.
I am reading...Surrender by Carmen Marcoux.
I am hoping...That I hear from daughter #1 who is still in Syndey after making a pilgrimage to World Youth Day.
I am hearing...I can hear my little guy watching Cars. It is summertime and his sisters are still sleeping. And, actually that is a good thing. On vacation their sleep patterns were horrible. They really need the sleep
Around the house...are blissfully quiet.
One of my favorite things...a nice cup of coffee in the morning.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Clean out girls' closet, register daughter #2 with Seton Home Study School, clean the floor of the soapy residue from when hubby "cleaned" the floors (I use a steam mop and he decided not to use it), straighten up office.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...(add your picture here)
Monday, July 7, 2008

FOR TODAY July 7, 2008
Outside My Window...I can see shadows of late afternoon clouds on the mountains.
I am thinking...that I will miss my oldest while she is in Australia for World Youth Day.
I am thankful for...my children. I am constantly amazed at the gifts God has bestowed upon them. Lefty-big-eye plays the piano very well. Greg had her first singing lesson today. She has great pitch.
From the kitchen...I can hear George chanting a chant from Finding Nemo.
I am wearing...a chocolate brown t-shirt, denim capris, and borrowed flip flops from George.
I am creating...a home management journal.
I am going...to the high Sierra in a few days. It will be good to meet some of my husband's aunts and uncles...finally. We have been married for twenty years and there will still be some that I haven't met, even after the reunion
I am reading...a sweet Christian novel. Nice light reading.
I am hoping...that the World Youth Day trip is safe for all the youth gathering in Sydney and that the youth who are gathering have their hearts open to the Holy Spirit and that they heed His call.
I am hearing...my son digging around in a shopping bag that he should not be in.
Around the house...the kids are chatting. GM is trying to convince his sisters of something or other.
One of my favorite things...my new amethyst bracelet that Steve bought for me on our anniversary trip to La Jolla.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Help the girls work on some unfinished school work. I need to pack for myself and for the four youngest for the mountain trip.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Taken from July 2008 Real Simple. Their question of the month is:
What are the top three things on your lifelong to-do list?
1) Learn to scuba
2) Move out of state to a large acreage of land. Live off of it and share the bounty of it with others. Like raising buffalo and/or chicken. It used to be beef, until I found out that buffalo is actually better for you.
3) Travel the world. I have a couple of places that I would love to visit.
What are the top three things on your lifelong to-do list?
1) Learn to scuba
2) Move out of state to a large acreage of land. Live off of it and share the bounty of it with others. Like raising buffalo and/or chicken. It used to be beef, until I found out that buffalo is actually better for you.
3) Travel the world. I have a couple of places that I would love to visit.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Simple Woman, June 16, 2008
Outside My Window...my oldest daughter's Honda is parked under the fruitless mulberry tree and high clouds that is making the heat humid.
I am thinking...that it is very good that God allowed air conditioning to be invented.
I am thankful for...a wonderful graduation for my oldest and that this last weekend was a wonderful weekend filled with fun, friends and family.
From the kitchen...I can hear my oldest daughter doing dishes and the little ones asking her for a snack. No dinner cooking. We have left overs from the party.
I am wearing...denim capris and a cute cap sleeved shirt, bare feet.
I am creating...a space to sew and scrapbook.
I am going...to be celebrating my 20th anniversary in nine days
I am reading...A Nun's Story, The Samurai Garden and Splendor in the Ordinary
I am hoping...to have my decisions about homeschooling done by this Saturday.
I am hearing...quiet.
Around the house...it is still. Since the summer weather has started, we have quiet time from 1p-4pm. No going outside unless we need to. It is just too hot. We rest and then swim and have a late dinner.
One of my favorite things...is seeing my daughters recently pedicured toes courtesy of a favorite uncle over the weekend.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:make a couple of doctor's appointments, finish up the homeschool paperwork, finish up my master book for the house.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The Simple Woman

FOR TODAY June 3, 2008
Outside My Window...The mulberry tree is swaying in the wind.
I am thinking...that I love listening to my children having fun.
I am thankful for...our new home.
From the kitchen...I can smell the burritos that we are going to have for lunch
I am wearing...a pink t-shirt, blue jeans and bare feet
I am thinking...that I love listening to my children having fun.
I am thankful for...our new home.
From the kitchen...I can smell the burritos that we are going to have for lunch
I am wearing...a pink t-shirt, blue jeans and bare feet
I am creating...a new post for my blog
I am going...to run errands as soon as the older girls get home.
I am reading...an article about family camping.
I am hoping...that my four year old will take a nap today.
I am hearing...little feet run down the hallway
Around the house...things are quiet and calm.
One of my favorite things...bare feet
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: painting my daughter's bathroom
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
I am going...to run errands as soon as the older girls get home.
I am reading...an article about family camping.
I am hoping...that my four year old will take a nap today.
I am hearing...little feet run down the hallway
Around the house...things are quiet and calm.
One of my favorite things...bare feet
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: painting my daughter's bathroom
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Day after Memorial Day
I had big plans for this last weekend. I had really wanted to get some painting in the house done.
I ended up with a sinus cold. I am still fighting the tail end of it. I was feeling so rotten that I didn't even make it to Mass this weekend. I love Corpus Christi. I was so disappointed to miss it. I was in bed sleeping most of the day.
I hope that you took the time to remember those who have fallen in defense of our country. Whether you agreed with the war/conflict of the time, the death who have served in our military was for us just the same.
I ended up with a sinus cold. I am still fighting the tail end of it. I was feeling so rotten that I didn't even make it to Mass this weekend. I love Corpus Christi. I was so disappointed to miss it. I was in bed sleeping most of the day.
I hope that you took the time to remember those who have fallen in defense of our country. Whether you agreed with the war/conflict of the time, the death who have served in our military was for us just the same.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
It is a beautiful Spring day. Alright, maybe it is a bit on the warm side. I think we are going to be in for a warm summer. Thank God for the pool.
I was up early for swim lesson sign ups. The four little ones all got the classes that I wanted them in.
Later, D has her piano lesson and T is going to prom. She is busy doing her nails and toes. And, that reminds me that there is a dress that I need to steam.
I was up early for swim lesson sign ups. The four little ones all got the classes that I wanted them in.
Later, D has her piano lesson and T is going to prom. She is busy doing her nails and toes. And, that reminds me that there is a dress that I need to steam.
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